© Jeff Comber

“I think its important for those of us in North America to have some exposure to other parts of the world, to see how oral health care needs are different”

— Vivian An

Our Vision

In the midst of a global pandemic, a team of passionate University of Toronto faculty of dentistry students: Matt Preston, Vivian An, Maddie Jong, and Jacob Thomas joined hands and created the Noma Action Group (NAG). Maddie Jong first learned about noma from professor Dr. Rosenbloom who treated the disease in Mozambique. The goal of NAG is to raise public awareness, educate dental students across Canada about the disease, and advocate for its inclusion in the WHO Neglected Tropical Diseases list. 

It started with an inspiration.

Our Mission


For inclusion of noma as an NTD.


The majority of dentists and doctors in Canada do not know about noma.


We strive to educate ourselves to become experts in noma with the goal of becoming ambassadors in advocacy and raising awareness.